Tuesday 4 June 2013

He is recognised the world over for its unique style and compartmentalised picturisation. His works of art portray the world in a mosaic of colour.
He is particularly an expert in the art of fragmented photography: he takes dozens of photographs of all the details of a place. Then he reworks each photograph one by one, modifying for instance the colors. After, he recomposes one image of the place, like a mosaic. Every detail is narcotic.
A Catalan born in 1957 in Vilafranca del Penedès, near Barcelona, his lifelong passion for photography began with his first camera at the age of 10. He went on to learn the mechanics of the darkroom at Spain's Escola d’Arts i Oficis Artístics de l’Alt Penedès and later taught himself the possibilities of the new digital darkroom. Ventosa currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. 
Disney Concert Hall
Brooklyn Bridge

Louvre Pyramid

Fondamenta Ognissanti


Rio de la madoneta

Times Square

Notre Dame Gargoyle